Raising Awareness About Health Choices

Preserving the Fundamental Human Right to Health Freedom

  • November 27, 2019 2:32 PM | Anonymous member

     Columbus, Ohio - Recent local headlines have erupted warning of whooping cough (pertussis) outbreaks in Ohio school districts, but are they telling the whole truth?

    Whooping cough or pertussis is a respiratory infection caused by bacteria, Bordetella pertussis. It is spread to others (transmission) via tiny water droplets when an infected individual is talking, coughing or sneezing. It begins with cold-like symptoms but progresses to rapid uncontrollable coughing spells within several days. 

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), medical trade organizations, and medical professionals are quick to assert that getting vaccinated is the best course of action to prevent whooping cough (pertussis) and protect vulnerable members of the community. The whooping cough vaccine is DTaP or TDaP and is actually a combination of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. This vaccine is recommended to be given to a child 6 times by the time they are 12 years old.

    Dr. Nancy Pook with Kettering Health Network recently stated some issues with the DTaP/TDaP vaccine: “The problem is it doesn’t eliminate all. The vaccines wane off and maybe the Bordetella is evolving or mutating a little bit, we’re not sure 100 percent of the reason why that there’s more pertussis. But it’s still present worldwide.” 

    What Dr. Pook is describing is primary, secondary, and tertiary vaccine failure. Primary vaccine failure is when an individual is vaccinated but does not develop immunity. Secondary vaccine failure is when an individual is vaccinated, develops immunity but loses immunity over time. Tertiary vaccine failure is when the organism, bacteria or virus, mutates or changes so the vaccine is no longer effective.

    Can a toxin mediated vaccine, such as DTaP/TDaP, provide protection against infection and transmission? 

    In 2017 Christopher Gill, associate professor of global health at the Department of Global Health at Boston University School of Public Health, stated"this disease is back because we didn’t really understand how our immune defenses against whooping cough worked, and did not understand how the vaccines needed to work to prevent it. Instead we layered assumptions upon assumptions, and now find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of admitting that we may made some crucial errors. This is definitely not where we thought we’d be in 2017.”

    Despite sustained high pertussis vaccination rates of > 95%, the United States has experienced a resurgence of pertussis over the past 30 years. According to the CDC’s 2018 Provisional Pertussis Surveillance Report, 41% of all infections occurred in children age six months to six years who had received more than three doses of DTaP vaccine, compared to only 10% of disease cases involving unvaccinated children.  

    An alarming discovery from a Springboro, Ohio whooping cough outbreak reveals that of the 37 cases, 100% had received all or some of the recommended DTaP/TDaP doses:

    An important observation within the recent scientific literature is the phenomenon of asymptomatic carriers. When exposed to Bordatella pertussis, vaccinated individuals become infected but do not show the telltale signs of infection. Yet they are fully capable of spreading the bacteria to others, including infants and the immune compromised. 

    A U.S. Food and Drug Administration study reported:  

    “The observation that aP [acellular pertussis vaccine], which induces an immune response mismatched to that induced by natural infection, fails to prevent colonization or transmission provides a plausible explanation for the resurgence of pertussis and suggests that optimal control of pertussis will require the development of improved vaccines.” (1)

    The scientific literature also includes studies of mutations and bacterial type replacement proposed as causes for increasing rates of pertussis disease.

    A study published in 2015 reported:

    “The significant association between vaccination and isolate pertactin production suggests that the likelihood of having reported disease caused by PRN– [Pertactin Negative] compared with PRN+ [Pertactin Positive] strains is greater in vaccinated persons. Additional studies are needed to assess whether vaccine effectiveness is diminished against PRN– strains.” (2)

    Unfortunately, public health agencies, medical trade organizations and media outlets fail to warn those who are vaccinated with DTaP/TDaP that regardless of vaccination status they need to be aware they are still at risk of infection and that vaccinated individuals are capable of unknowingly spreading pertussis to others. If you have been exposed to whooping cough, regardless of vaccination status, you should ask your doctor to perform a test that will determine if you are infected. This will ensure that treatment is started in a timely manner and will prevent unnecessary exposure to others.

    A recent news article reported:

    "Melissa Wervey Arnold, CEO, Ohio Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, said the best defense is vaccination, especially anyone who is going to be around infants who aren’t fully vaccinated.

    Immunity, whether from getting the vaccine or from having the disease, typically wears off within five years, leaving previously immune children susceptible again by adolescence. Individuals and families providing care to a new baby may need a pertussis booster shot to provide protection for infants who haven’t had a chance to get the full series of vaccinations yet."

    What is being described above is a theory called cocooning, a strategy to protect infants and other vulnerable individuals from infection by vaccinating those in close contact with them. According to this study, cocooning is ineffective when a vaccinated individual can be an asymptomatic carrier of Bordatella pertussis:

    “We find that: 1) the timing of changes in age-specific attack rates observed in the US and UK are consistent with asymptomatic transmission; 2) the phylodynamic analysis of the US sequences indicates more genetic diversity in the overall bacterial population than would be suggested by the observed number of infections, a pattern expected with asymptomatic transmission; 3) asymptomatic infections can bias assessments of vaccine efficacy based on observations of B. pertussis-free weeks; 4) asymptomatic transmission can account for the observed increase in B. pertussis incidence;  and 5) vaccinating individuals in close contact with infants too young to receive the vaccine (“cocooning” unvaccinated children) may be ineffective.” (3)

    Providing clear, concise, accurate and honest information is necessary to protect and improve the health of all Ohioans by preventing infection which includes the prevention of pertussis exposure to Ohio’s most vulnerable individuals via asymptomatic carriers, it is in Ohio’s best interest that:

    1. Public health departments, medical trade organizations, and medical professionals educate the public that in the event of a pertussis outbreak, all people exposed to pertussis should be tested for pertussis, whether or not they have symptoms and regardless of vaccination status;
    2. Track pertussis infection based on bacterial strain type to determine differences in attack rate between strains;
    3. Include the asymptomatic infections, strain types, and vaccination status of pertussis cases in the Annual Summaries of Infectious Disease report published by the Ohio Department of Health.


    1. Warfel J, et al. Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model. PNAS 2014; 111(2):787-792. 
    2. Martin, S, et al. Pertactin-Negative Bordetella pertussis Strains: Evidence for a Possible Selective Advantage. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 60(2):223-7.
    3. Althouse B, et al. Asymptomatic transmission and the resurgence of Bordetella pertussis. BMC Medicine 2015; 13:146.

    Additional References (not cited):

    1. Hovingh E, et al. Emerging Bordetella pertussis Strains Induce Enhanced Signaling of Human Pattern Recognition Receptors TLR2, NOD2 and Secretion of IL-10 by Dendritic Cells. PLoS One 2017. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170027 
    2. Sala-Farre M.R., et al. Pertussis epidemic despite high levels of vaccination coverage with acellular pertussis vaccine. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin. 2015; 33(1):27-31. 
    3. Matthias J, et al. Sustained Transmission of Pertussis in Vaccinated, 1-5-Year-Old Children in a Preschool, Florida, USA. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2016; 22(2).
    4. Haifa I, et al. Pertussis Infection in Fully Vaccinated Children in Day-Care Centers, Israel. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2000;(6)5.
  • October 23, 2019 2:21 PM | Anonymous member

    by Maura Urchek BSN, RN, CCM

    Have you noticed advertisements in recent years promoting vaccination in Ohio? Perhaps you have seen a television commercial or heard an in-store advertisement soliciting you to undergo the medical procedure of vaccination and wondered, is it possible that there is more to the story that vaccine consumers might like to know beyond, “get vaccinated,” before rolling up their sleeves?  

    Consider the following information: 

    • As a result of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, Congress granted vaccine manufacturers and vaccine administrators protection from liability for injury caused by select [1] vaccine products: “No person may bring a civil action … against a vaccine administrator or manufacturer in a State or Federal court for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” [2]
    • Who pays for vaccine injury if manufacturers are not liable? The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) states the following: “The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund provides funding for the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate vaccine-related injury or death petitions for covered vaccines administered on or after October 1, 1988. Funded by a $.75 excise tax on vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for routine administration to children, the excise tax is imposed on each dose … The Department of Treasury collects the excise taxes and manages the Fund’s investments and produces Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund Monthly Reports.” [3]
    • According to the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) website:“The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions." [4]  The NVICP has paid out over $4.2 billion to date [5], as of the October 1, 2019 report. 
    • If an individual becomes injured by vaccination and wishes to file a petition with the NVICP, how much time do they have to file a claim? The US Department of Health & Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration’s publication booklet: “What You Need to Know About the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program” [6] states the following: “The general filing deadlines are:  For an injury, your claim must be filed within 3 years after the first symptom of the vaccine injury.  For a death, your claim must be filed within 2 years of the death and 4 years after the start of first symptom of the vaccine-related injury from which the death occurred. When a new vaccine is covered by the VICP or when a new injury/condition is added to the Vaccine Injury Table, claims that do not meet the general filing deadlines must be filed within 2 years from the date the vaccine or injury/condition is added to the Table for injuries or deaths that occurred up to 8 years before the Table change. The Table lists and explains injuries that are presumed to be caused by vaccines. For more details about the Table, visit www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation.” 
    • According to the HRSA website, “National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - Frequently Asked Questions”: “The Vaccine Injury Table (Table) (PDF - 119 KB) is a listing of covered vaccines and associated injuries that makes it easier for some people to get compensation. The Table lists and explains injuries and/or conditions that are presumed to be caused by vaccines unless another cause is proven.” [7]
    • Vaccine injuries are to be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) [8]. According to the “Information for Healthcare Providers” section of the VAERS website:“The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) requires healthcare providers to report: Any adverse event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to further doses of the vaccine; or Any adverse event listed in the VAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination [PDF - 75KB] that occurs within the specified time period after vaccination. In addition, CDC encourages you to report any clinically significant adverse event that occurs in a patient following a vaccination, even if you are unsure whether a vaccine caused the event.” [9]
    • According to a Grant Report submitted to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [10]:“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative.” [11]
    • The Vaccine Excipients Summary is accessible as a PDF file download here. According to the summary document, certain vaccines may contain: MRC-5 human diploid cells including DNA and protein (human fetus origin),  Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein (cocker spaniel dog origin), formaldehyde, Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins (armyworm origin), thimerosal (a mercury derivative), aluminum hydroxide, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, among many other excipients with potentially serious ethical, scientific, and religious implications for consumers. The US FDA website, “Common Ingredients in U.S. Licensed Vaccines” reveals the following: “How does FDA evaluate adjuvants for safety and efficacy? When evaluating a vaccine for safety and efficacy, FDA considers adjuvants as a component of the vaccine; they are not licensed separately.” [12]
    • The CDC website, “Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) -- General Committee-Related Information” states:“The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) comprises medical and public health experts who develop recommendations on the use of vaccines in the civilian population of the United States. The recommendations stand as public health guidance for safe use of vaccines and related biological products.” [13] Consider the following excerpt from the 2009 article published in the New York Times titled, “Advisers on Vaccines Often Have Conflicts, Report Says”: “In the report, expected to be released Friday, Daniel R. Levinson, the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services, found that the centers failed nearly every time to ensure that the experts adequately filled out forms confirming they were not being paid by companies with an interest in their decisions. The report found that 64 percent of the advisers had potential conflicts of interest that were never identified or were left unresolved by the centers. Thirteen percent failed to have an appropriate conflicts form on file at the agency at all, which should have barred their participation in the meetings entirely, Mr. Levinson found. And 3 percent voted on matters that ethics officers had already barred them from considering.” [14]

    Awareness of the NVICP, VAERS, ACIP, and NCVIA is critical to understanding vaccine policy, vaccine manufacturer protections, and vaccine consumer risk in the United States.   

    A recent public records request revealed the following invoices from 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019:

    2019BTS- Invoice SP1684.pdf

    2018DTaP - Invoice SP1579.pdf

    2018BTS - Invoice SP1598.pdf

    2018Adol-Meningitis - Invoice SP1584.pdf

    2018-19Influenza- Invoice SP1635.pdf

    2017Influenza - Invoice SP1506.pdf

    2017DTaP- Invoice SP1515.pdf

    2017BTS2 - Invoice SP1522.pdf

    2017BTS - Invoice SP1521.pdf

    2017AdolescentVaccine - Invoice SP1518.pdf

    2017-18Influenza - Invoice SP1553.pdf

    2016Meningitis - Invoice SP1457.pdf

    2016Influenza - Invoice SP1497.pdf

    2016Childhoold - Invoice SP1445.pdf

    2016BTS - Invoice SP1472.pdf

    2016-Adol- Invoice SP1442.pdf

    REBrowns Flu Campaign.pdf

    RE_ Flu Campaign Estimate and Media Brief.pdf

    RE_ Browns ODH Bathroom Sign.pdf

    RE_ Browns Flu Campaign.pdf

    re Call with Sen Coley Cleveland Browns.pdf

    RE Browns Flu Campaign ..pdf

    ODH_Influenza - Estimate 176.pdf

    FW_ Flu Campaign Estimate and Media Brief.pdf

    ODH White Paper - Flu_Campaign (003).pdf

    FY18 ODHInfluenza (Flu)-Media Brief.pdf

    FW_ Additional Info on Browns Contract Waiver Request.pdf


    Are taxpayers funding these efforts? Will the citizens of Ohio allow this to continue?  

    Take Action!

    → Contact the Honorable Governor Mike DeWine's office (614) 644-4357, your State Representative, and your State Senator (Find your representatives here). Consider educating their offices on the following: 

    1. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act shields vaccine manufacturers from liability for injury and death caused by their products.
    2. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid over $4.2 billion in compensation to date.
    3. Vaccines are a for-profit pharmaceutical product. 
    4. Inquire about the funding source(s) that paid for these invoices.

    → Inform others about the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Direct healthcare providers to the website, “VAERS Information for Healthcare Providers” [15] and the “VAERS Table of Reportable Events." [16]

    → Become familiar with the Ohio “State Checkbook” website and keep the state government accountable for its spending.


    [1] https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/covered-vaccines/index.html (accessed 10/19/19)

    [2]  42 U.S.C. § 300aa-11 

    [3] https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/about/index.html (accessed 10/19/19)

    [4] https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html (accessed 10/19/19)

    [5] https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vaccine-compensation/data/data-statistics-october-2019.pdf (accessed 10/19/19)

    [6]https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/vaccinecompensation/resources/84521booklet.pdf (accessed 10/19/19)

    [7] https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/FAQ/index.html (accessed 10/19/19) 

    [8] https://vaers.hhs.gov/ (accessed 10/19/19)

    [9] https://vaers.hhs.gov/resources/infoproviders.html (accessed 10/19/19)

    [10] https://healthit.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/electronic-support-public-health-vaccine-adverse-event-reporting-system?fbclid=IwAR2oOjCjfXdmtUQ_jCKwujlAWOhtYNHhbyVOLRio-Yv9DOvvGMS3H3HzUm8 (accessed 10/19/19) 

    [11] https://healthit.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf (accessed 10/19/19)

    [12] https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/safety-availability-biologics/common-ingredients-us-licensed-vaccines (accessed 10/19/19)

    [13]  https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/committee/index.html (accessed 10/19/19) 

    [14]  https://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/18/health/policy/18cdc.html (accessed 10/19/19)

    [15] https://vaers.hhs.gov/resources/infoproviders.html (accessed 10/18/19) 

    [16]https://vaers.hhs.gov/docs/VAERS_Table_of_Reportable_Events_Following_Vaccination.pdf (accessed 10/19/19)

  • September 29, 2019 2:17 PM | Anonymous member

    by: Dr. Donna Poppendieck

    We are hearing a lot in the news today about Alzheimer’s and whether it can be prevented, treated successfully, and reversed. Think about what you believe for a second. Conventional medical practitioners seem to be thinking that it cannot be prevented, or, that once a person is in a state of cognitive decline, it can never be reversed. Some believe it cannot even be slowed down.

    But is this still true?

    Increasing numbers of studies are demonstrating the impact that nutrition has on brain health. Even older people with mild or more advanced cognitive decline show improvement when nutrition is changed for the better. So, it is important to work both in prevention and treatment to address this all-important subject of preserving and improving our brain health, especially as we age. 

    1. B-Complex. These give us protection against mood disorders, lowered cognitive performance, and Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia.
    2. Coffee. If you like it, drink it! Both caffeinated and decaffeinated varieties offer protection and are very brain friendly. Coffee is considered to be an antioxidant and stimulates ketones, which the brain loves, as well.
    3. Olive Oil. Use extra virgin, cold-pressed, and organic olive oil. It lowers your risk for stroke, dementia, and even diabetes.
    4. Fish Oil. This means you are getting 2 kinds of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. They perform powerful anti-inflammatory functions within the human body, and that definitely includes the brain. Try using a good quality fish oil, such as a Nordic cod liver oil, derived from healthy fatty fish. 
    5. Turmeric. This contains curcuminoids, including curcumin, and has a large medicinal effect, particularly in lowering inflammation. It is also a very strong antioxidant.

    I most certainly believe in taking supplements. In fact, I take many. Try to stick to the healthier varieties and buy organic whenever you can. But adding other healthy lifestyle elements creates a much more robust healthy effect. You can be healthy in one area and neglecting other areas. For example, if you combine healthy brain nutrients (supplements) with a healthy diet, and do even some moderate exercise, throw in a little yoga or meditation or binaural beats, you are certainly going to be ahead of the game.

    Learn more about becoming a new and better you! 

    And – as always – have a holistically healthy day! 

    Article by Dr. Donna Poppendieck, to read more articles please visit:  https://www.healthandwellnessonline.org/ 

    After years of neglecting my health and eating the standard American diet, I was diagnosed with auto-immune disease. I took oral chemotherapy for 2 years, and after remaining very ill, decided to heal myself.I succeeded with a combination of holistic approaches and now practice a healthy lifestyle!

    Commonly known as Dr. P in the college classrooms, I have been teaching in universities for the past 12 years, focusing on mental health and specializing in addictions treatment and prevention. I decided to focus on chemical dependency because I grew up in a family with drug abuse.

    Since then, I have been interested in exploring legitimate, evidence-based pathways to full recovery and maintenance of optimal health using holistic approaches. For 40 years, I have been involved in the study of such healing strategies. I am currently studying at the Maryland University of Integrative Health in their health and wellness coaching program, specializing in holistic nutrition.

    I created the Prism Theory of Personality in 1998, which looks into the areas of emotions, thoughts, physical health, and spirituality, and how these four areas interact to create optimal health.

  • September 27, 2019 2:14 PM | Anonymous member

    Know your rights! The state of Ohio has three exemptions to vaccine requirements; medical and reasons of conscience, including religious convictions.

    ORC 3313.671 Proof of required immunizations – exceptions

    Medical exemptions require a signature from a licensed physician in the state of Ohio. 

    Exemptions for reasons of conscience, including religious conviction, require a signed written statement from the parent or guardian submitted to the school upon enrollment or request.

    For a current list of vaccine doses that would require an exemption for entry into public schools in Ohio, please check the Ohio Department of Health website here.

    What if you've turned in a vaccine exemption statement for your K-12 child yet the school is giving you a hard time?  They are requesting that you sign a specific form, or stating they never received your exemption statement.

    What can you do now?

    If the school is giving you a hard time or requesting that you sign a specific form, consider the following:

    1. Read the Ohio Legislative Service Commission (LSC) Review of 3313.671. A written and signed statement by a parent is all that is required. You are not required to fill out or complete a specific form. A member of the clergy is not required to sign or support the parent's written statement. Provide a copy of the Ohio LSC Review to the school by downloading and printing here: LSC Review 3313.671.pdf
    2. Call the school nurse or other staff who is trying to deny your written statement. Politely let them know that you are informed of your rights under Ohio Revised Code 3313.671, and ask them to provide a reference showing where it says you are required to fill out the school form.
    3. Consider sending an email with all the forms and communications from the school to your State Representative, State Senator, District Superintendent, and Ohio Board of Education Member, being sure to copy the school principal and nurse on the emails. Explain that you are complying with the law, but the school isn’t allowing it and is threatening to add your child to the exclusion list. Link to find your Ohio Board of Education Member. Link to find your Ohio State Legislator.   

    If the school is stating they never received your exemption statement, consider the following:

    1. If you decide to take your exemption statement in personally, ask for a signed and dated receipt of your statement before leaving the office. You can have the office worker sign this statement of receipt: Exemption from Immunization Statemement of Rec.pdf
    2. If they refuse to sign and date your receipt, or in any way deny you physical proof that your statement has been received, do not leave it with them. Take it to the post office and send your statement certified; pay the additional fee to attach the physical return signature receipt card to the envelope.

    All of this can be done in a very formal, friendly way. If you have any questions, need clarification or assistance, please email us at info@healthfreedomohio.org.

  • August 19, 2019 2:12 PM | Anonymous member

    It seems more and more Ohio colleges are requiring vaccines. Some universities, especially public ones, offer exemptions but exemptions to vaccination might be difficult to locate online and you may have to ask for exemption forms at the time of enrollment. Please read any forms carefully for language that implies you are putting others at risk or that requires clergy validation of religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are not constrained to particular denominations or organized religions. 

    Ohio law, ORC 1713.55, does not require vaccination for enrollment but simply requires that students disclose at the time of enrollment if they have been vaccinated for Meningococcal and Hepatitis B and only if they will be a resident of on campus dormitory.

    College vaccine requirements have the potential to be challenged by Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act and (for students pursuing medical-related careers in a university associated with a hospital or other covered entity) the HHS Conscience and Religious Freedom division.

    Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Title VII prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 

    "Since this law first went into effect it has been applied to many other situations and now supports equal rights for people in various circumstances, including students applying to or actively attending college.

    What Title VII means for students trying to get into college is that they cannot be discriminated against based on religious preferences, gender, race, country of origin, color"

    The article continues:

    “When applying to college, Title VII provides all students with a fair and equal chance at acceptance. Once there, Title VII continues to protect students and staff alike by insuring their right to practice their religion by mandating that schools must provide reasonable accommodation for those wishing to observe various religious holidays and customs. Failure to do so can have serious consequences."

    Please note: many www2.ed.gov links appear to be broken, click here for reference site

    Basic information, including links to file a complaint can be found by clicking this link.

    If you believe that a covered entity discriminated against you (or someone else) on the basis of conscience or religious freedom, coerced you to violate your conscience or religious beliefs, or burdened your free exercise of religion, you may file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). You may file a complaint for yourself, your organization, or for someone else by clicking here.

    The above information provides some hope for those faced with college-initiated vaccine requirements and no offered exemptions. Fair warning that religious/conscience exemptions must be worded to exemplify deeply held beliefs -- not your feelings about the science or safety — so proceed with caution and consider using a knowledgeable attorney to help you write your religious accommodation request.

  • August 05, 2019 2:00 PM | Anonymous member

    The state of Ohio has 3 types of exemptions: Medical and Reasons of Conscience, including Religious convictions.

    Medical exemptions require a signature from a licensed physician in the state of Ohio. 

    Exemptions for reason of conscience, including religious conviction require a signed written statement from the parent or guardian submitted to the school upon enrollment.

    There is no pre-written statement or form that you are required to submit for public school. The statement provided to you in this post is just one example. 


    Download this for here: Immunization Exemption Statement.pdf

    If you are presented with a form from a school, compare it to ORC 3313.671 for compliance with the law. Providing the minimum required information is recommended.

    If you are unsure you can email Health Freedom Ohio at info@healthfreedomohio.org

    ORC 3313.671 Proof of required immunizations - exceptions.

    (A) (1) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, no pupil, at the time of initial entry or at the beginning of each school year, to an elementary or high school for which the state board of education prescribes minimum standards pursuant to division (D) of section 3301.07 of the Revised Code, shall be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen days unless the pupil presents written evidence satisfactory to the person in charge of admission, that the pupil has been immunized by a method of immunization approved by the department of health pursuant to section 3701.13 of the Revised Code against mumps, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rubeola, and rubella or is in the process of being immunized.

    (2) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, no pupil who begins kindergarten at an elementary school subject to the state board of education's minimum standards shall be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen days unless the pupil presents written evidence satisfactory to the person in charge of admission that the pupil has been immunized by a department of health-approved method of immunization or is in the process of being immunized against both of the following:

    (a) During or after the school year beginning in 1999, hepatitis B;

    (b) During or after the school year beginning in 2006, chicken pox.

    (3) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, during and after the school year beginning in 2016, no pupil who is the age or older than the age at which immunization against meningococcal disease is recommended by the state department of health shall be permitted to remain in a school subject to the state board of education's minimum standards for more than fourteen days unless the pupil presents written evidence satisfactory to the person in charge of admission that the pupil has been immunized by a department of health-approved method of immunization, or is in the process of being immunized, against meningococcal disease.

    (4) As used in divisions (A)(1) , (2), and (3) of this section, "in the process of being immunized" means the pupil has been immunized against mumps, rubeola, rubella, and chicken pox, and if the pupil has not been immunized against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, and meningococcal disease, the pupil has received at least the first dose of the immunization sequence, and presents written evidence to the pupil's building principal or chief administrative officer of each subsequent dose required to obtain immunization at the intervals prescribed by the director of health. Any student previously admitted under the "in process of being immunized" provision and who has not complied with the immunization intervals prescribed by the director of health shall be excluded from school on the fifteenth day of the following school year. Any student so excluded shall be readmitted upon showing evidence to the student's building principal or chief administrative officer of progress on the director of health's interval schedule.


    (1) A pupil who has had natural rubeola, and presents a signed statement from the pupil's parent, guardian, or physician to that effect, is not required to be immunized against rubeola.

    (2) A pupil who has had natural mumps, and presents a signed statement from the pupil's parent, guardian, or physician to that effect, is not required to be immunized against mumps.

    (3) A pupil who has had natural chicken pox, and presents a signed statement from the pupil's parent, guardian, or physician to that effect, is not required to be immunized against chicken pox.

    (4) A pupil who presents a written statement of the pupil's parent or guardian in which the parent or guardian declines to have the pupil immunized for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions, is not required to be immunized.

    (5) A child whose physician certifies in writing that such immunization against any disease is medically contraindicated is not required to be immunized against that disease.

    (C) As used in this division, "chicken pox epidemic" means the occurrence of cases of chicken pox in numbers greater than expected in the school's population or for a particular period of time.

    Notwithstanding division (B) of this section, a school may deny admission to a pupil otherwise exempted from the chicken pox immunization requirement if the director of the state department of health notifies the school's principal or chief administrative officer that a chicken pox epidemic exists in the school's population. The denial of admission shall cease when the director notifies the principal or officer that the epidemic no longer exists.

    The board of education or governing body of each school subject to this section shall adopt a policy that prescribes methods whereby the academic standing of a pupil who is denied admission during a chicken pox epidemic may be preserved.

    (D) Boards of health, legislative authorities of municipal corporations, and boards of township trustees on application of the board of education of the district or proper authority of any school affected by this section, shall provide at the public expense, without delay, the means of immunization against mumps, poliomyelitis, rubeola, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and hepatitis B to pupils who are not so provided by their parents or guardians.

    (E) The department of health shall specify the age at which immunization against meningococcal disease, as required by division (A)(3) of this section, is recommended, and approve a method of immunization against meningococcal disease.

    Amended by 131st General Assembly File No. TBD, SB 121, §1, eff. 10/15/2015.

    Effective Date: 09-30-1998; 05-06-2005

  • July 17, 2019 1:55 PM | Anonymous member

    On Wednesday, June 19th, Ohio citizens were shocked to discover that a last minute amendment was snuck into the Senate Omnibus Budget Bill (HB166), adding language to our vaccine exemptions Ohio Revised Code 3313.671. The amendment proposed that:

    “Section 3313.671 (F) Notwithstanding division (B) (4) of this section, a nonpublic school may deny admission to or refuse to enroll a pupil whose parent or guardian declines to have the pupil immunized for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions.”

    Considering this language was completely unrelated to the budget process or the financial operations of a state, it quickly became clear that the omnibus amendment was intended to undermine the voices of Ohio citizens. Any such authorization affecting human, medical and civil rights MUST allow for an adequate and comprehensive review that is also open for public comment. As a last minute sneaky addition, the public comment was completely removed from the equation. 

    However, through extensive unified efforts, grassroots advocates quickly mobilized and began proactively contacting Ohio legislators to express their objection and grievances. Legislators reported they received hundreds of calls and emails daily from Ohio citizens expressing their concerns with this unscrupulous amendment. 

    Thanks to the hard work, dedication, perseverance, resilience and bravery of the people both statewide and nationwide, the provision language was successfully removed from the Ohio State Budget Bill during the Conference Committee hearing on July 16, 2019, through amendment CC5915.

    A monumental victory showcasing the impact and collective strength of Ohioans voices as a citizenry united to protect the people’s fundamental human rights and freedoms. 

    Ohioans are deeply grateful for all the legislators who proactively took a stand for what is right and as such honored our freedoms. It is a blessing to live in this great State where the people’s voices and concerns are represented when actively engaged through advocacy.

    Health freedom advocates will remain vigilant as we continuously raise awareness and respectfully engage in mutually educative legislative experiences that preserve our fundamental human rights and freedoms.  

  • July 02, 2019 1:52 PM | Anonymous member

    By: Ravi Kulasekere, PhD, ND BCHHP

    After traveling around for a week on vacation and business my 3-year old pharmaceutical-free child developed a cold. We as usual reached for our trusted ‘terrain-supporting’ holistic remedies and within a mere 36 hours her cold was completely resolved, no residual drainage, no coughs, no ear-infections and even during the episode she was eating and acting completely normal. This has happened a few times that it prompted me to write something to let people know that supporting the body with holistic means is far better than trying to eliminate the ‘germ’ causing the illness with toxic pharmaceutical drugs. Contracting minor illnesses and infections is an integral part of life and is not something we can or should always try to thwart. Usually the process of recovery is one of cleansing and strengthening the terrain and also a process of training for the immune system. In modern times how we address these situations and the way these infections and illnesses manifest in people is one of interest to many who are traditional naturopaths.

    The most remarkable difference is seen between children, and adults alike, whose immune systems have not been corrupted by external influences both man-made and environmental, and those whose immune system have been subjected to these outside influences. In the latter these minor illnesses become many weeks of struggling going from one system to another and causing additional co-infections and taking much longer to recover. In the former the uncorrupted immune system works just as intended and returns the body to a recovered state much faster and with little to no additional burden. I observe this in my practice a lot and also at home with my own family.

    In this image (shared with permission from a good friend of mine, thank you and you know who you are) you can see how the majority of people are trained by the modern medical industry to address these issues. The modern medical view of germs and the assumption that all germs are bad and should be eradicated as quickly as possible actually is a false premise and most often back-fires on the recover process as well. The toxic pharmaceutical approach therefore should not be the first solution for either group of people. 

    This image shows the traditional naturopathic approach of supporting the terrain while the body fights. In this method you employ things that provide the terrain the proper "energy"; in the form of homeopathy, essential oils and other modalities, "nutrition"; in the form of food- based supplements and vitamins and "botanicals"; which are supporting herbs that are appropriate for the situation. In the vast majority of cases using this three-fold approach assists the body to fight off illness in the shortest possible time and return you to wellness.

    Don't wait till you get sick to learn about these methods. Talk to your traditional naturopath or wellness coach today so you are well prepared and armed with the right knowledge and tools to support your health and wellness as well as know what to do to prevent. 

    Call or email Do No Pharm Naturopathy to learn more or if you have any questions.

    Dr Ravi Kulasekere PhD, ND BCHHP Do No Pharm Naturopathy LLC  

    14900 Detroit Ave, Lakewood, OH 44107 

    (330) 285-3247 donopharmnaturopathy@gmail.com

  • March 24, 2019 1:50 PM | Anonymous member

    Hi, Jodi Ledley here from Adventures with Jodi

    I used to be a “normal” person; but at some point, around 2009 I began having extreme migraines, chronic pain and issues with all things neurological.  I saw 19 doctors to no avail and they even recommended a spinal cord implant called a neurostimulator (which I did not get) to control pain.  Later I found out those implants were recalled due to catching on fire IN people. 

    On my own, I discovered my problems were caused by food additives called excitotoxins that make nerves rapid fire.  My recovery was nothing short of a miracle, so I wrote a book (Adventures with Jodi) and was determined to reach out and help others.  No one deserves to suffer like I did! 

    After my recovery I wrote to all of my previous doctors and neurologists because I thought they would want to help others, as there is no help for migraine and chronic pain other than trying to mask the pain.  Only a couple doctors replied back. 

    One particular place I’d went to was a world-renowned, expert-filled place for migraines and pain.  I had to sit through an orientation on suicide, because that’s common I guess, yet when I offered them a FREE book of mine for their patient library after recovery, they didn’t respond or want to know any details on how I became well.  

    In March 2017, my husband Casey was diagnosed with Stage III rectal cancer. We were already eating a radically different diet than most.  We didn’t eat out anywhere, and weren’t eating processed foods.  The animal products we ate were grass-fed and of high quality...and quantity.  While this got rid of my problem, it wasn’t enough to reverse cancer.  Even good quality animal products can help cancer cells grow. 

    The very day of diagnosis, again we turned to food, we did a cancer coaching program called Square One by Chris Wark, a natural cancer survivor himself.  This program combines similar things that many long-term natural cancer survivors have done to regain health.  We did it together, and saw a difference in the tumor in two weeks!  The tumor at diagnosis looked bloody and blistered and two weeks later, no blood and a healthy color.... like the body was trying to heal!

    It seems to get ahead of things, we needed to eliminate the animal products and massively overdose on fruits and vegetables, as those have multiple pathways that target cancer cells!                    

    We were highly pressured to do conventional treatment, which would have involved 5 weeks chemo and radiation before surgery, followed by four more months of chemotherapy.  Cancer clinics don’t normally tell patients how much treatments are going to cost but we told them that we would not schedule surgery until they gave us an estimate.  The 5 weeks of radiation alone was $200,000!  And get this- they were ready to start treatment the next day, but it took over 5 weeks to get us that estimate!! 

    During that time, we did a lot of research and we couldn’t find any evidence that the treatment was actually working for rectal cancer and in our research, there were studies that said it was controversial, so my husband declined the chemo, radiation and only had surgery.  BUT we did have to wait close to 6 weeks for them to “think about” allowing us to skip the chemo and radiation before surgery. 

    During that time, we continued the diet (Square One) and based on an initial MRI at diagnosis, Casey was told he had 3 cancerous lymph nodes, but following surgery there were only two. 

    In July 2018 I found a new study by the University of Florida of 52,519 people under 50 with rectal cancer showing that the current recommended treatment (chemo/radiation/surgery) provides ZERO survival benefits!!!???? No mention of the side effects it caused, of course.  The study mentioned rectal cancer as being biologically different in young people possibly due to microbiome changes.

    That got me wondering what kind of research is out there on rectal cancer and microbiome.... what have they found?  

    Here are the highlights of my research! 

    People with CRC (colorectal cancer) are found to have a DRAMATIC loss of a cancer protective bacteria called Lachnospiraceae and an increase in a cancer promoting bacteria called Fusobacterium.  

    Lachnospiraceae, the good bacteria, is a type of clostridia that feeds on plant matter (fiber) and produces a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate.  Butyrate is known to have substantial antitumorigenic properties, including the ability to inhibit tumor cell proliferation. 

    What feeds the good bacteria? Starch and fiber from plant foods, and eugenol, a compound found in cinnamon, basil, and cloves. Some studies indicate that eugenol is the key to thickening the mucosal lining in your gut, so that bad bacteria like Fusobacterium can’t penetrate it. 

    Another study indicates that periodontal disease-causing bacteria (including Fusobacterium) may be connected to CRC, and are found at high levels in tumors.  CRC patients with elevated levels of Fusobacterium have especially poor survival rates. 

    So, how do we get rid of cancer-promoting Fusobacterium? 

    All signs point to cutting off its fuel! 

    The Standard American Diet or appropriately abbreviated SAD diet feeds Fusobacterium and dramatic shifts can be seen in the microbiome with diet changes in a matter of days.

    What kills it?  I did find a study about a single plant food that can kill Fusobacterium: wild blueberries!!!   

    I also found a study on periodontal bacteria that includes fusobacterium and tests plant phytochemical's inhibiting effects on different types of bacteria.  It’s not just blueberries, many other plants inhibit the growth of fusobacterium especially curcumin and quercetin! 

    In other interesting news, when I was researching how diet changes microbiome, I came across a guy who tested his poo for 365 days on all sorts of diets.  He tested paleo, raw vegan, vegetarian, Jenny Craig, high fat low carb, and more.  He even lived with the Hadza tribe and got a fecal transplant from one of them!!!!  One thing that stood out was how easily and dramatically he could shift his microbiome with fiber.  He is a “Paleo” person that eats a lot of fiber but found that the average paleo-er eats a sad 19-25 grams of fiber per day, vegan eats 43, and an African kid eats up to 130!  African’s have 50 times less colon cancer! 

    Another find was that low carb, equaled NO fermentation, so no butyrate and no way to feed the protective Lachnospiraceae.   

    It turns out this guy (Jeff Leach) wrote a book called Rewild (which I had at my house two days later) and founded the Human Food Project.  I read the book....in one day, it’s that interesting! 

    Also interesting is that all of this information has been researched but treatment for most cancers have not changed since the 50’s!

    The drug recommended for Casey 5-FU (aka Five Feet Under) was patented in 1956 and kills approximately 1000 Americans each year that have a DPD enzyme deficiency.  People without that enzyme cannot break down 5-FU leading to death.  The craziest part of that is they don’t test anyone for the deficiency and 4-8% of the population have it!

    Casey is now two years out from diagnosis, he has no evidence of disease per conventional CT and colonoscopy.  Because he never had elevated tumor markers, we follow his progress via circulating tumor cell test.  This is part of the Greek Test.  A test that counted and tested HIS circulating tumor cells against chemo/radiation and 45 natural substances.  See test sample here

    His original CTC (circulating tumor cell count) was 6.2 (advanced disease) then 4.9 (early disease or treatment working) then 4.4, and now 4.0.    

    We continue to work on the root cause and are hoping to get his CTC count at <2.  Circulating tumor cells are the reason for metastasis, this isn’t even disputed in the conventional world, yet our doctor doesn’t want to know anything about monitoring them or why his numbers are dropping.   

    If you would like more information or to follow our story, please visit my FB page - Adventures with Jodi

  • March 18, 2019 1:48 PM | Anonymous member

    By: Sheila Olson

    Photo via Pixabay by Congerdesign

    If you made a goal to get active and healthy but haven’t been able to follow through, don’t feel bad; millions of Americans make the same promise to themselves and deal with the same obstacles and struggles that you are. Sometimes it’s through no fault of their own, or because of unforeseen circumstances that got in the way--such is life. 

    If you started a new exercise routine but have given up on it, or find yourself heading to the drive-thru during a busy week rather than grabbing a healthy dinner, think again about how you might make some changes that you can stick to. This can also be a great way to learn about self-care if you’re coming out of a battle with drug addiction.

    Here are the best ways to create a new healthy routine and follow through with it.

    Make it fun

    Think of the things you loved to do when you were younger, such as roller skating, swimming, playing a sport, using a hula hoop. These are all great ways to get active. Take something fun and apply it to your exercise routine, and try something new each day to keep it fresh. 

    You can also go simple and just push back the furniture for a dance party with the kiddos. Make it a theme night with glow sticks and flashlights! Getting the family involved in your new routine can help you stay motivated, and it’s a great teaching experience as well. Daily exercise can boost self-esteem and energy levels and can teach kids about the importance of taking care of themselves. 

    Incorporate new tactics into your daily routine

    It can be hard to stick to a new regimen when you’re working out or changing your diet haphazardly. Set a schedule for exercise rather than getting it in whenever you have a few minutes to spare, and find ways to change up the way you eat that can easily incorporate into your everyday life. For instance, buy a large reusable plastic bottle that you can fill with water and sip on during the day. This way, you can stay hydrated and see how much water you’re drinking--most Americans don’t get nearly enough.

    Work out at home

    While a gym is a wonderful place to get fit, some people prefer working out at home. Not only is it easier (and cheaper!), but if you have kids, they’ll get the benefit of seeing you be active, which can have a positive effect on their own abilities. Set up your own at-home gym with a stability ball, a yoga mat, some resistance bands, and some free weights. This is a great way to stay on track because you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to work out.

    Treat yourself

    When you’ve had a good week, or when you’ve pushed through a workout despite being tired, treat yourself to a massage or pedicure. You can also treat yourself to a delicious smoothie, which has the added benefit of getting more fruit and vegetables into your diet (you’ll likely need a blender strong enough to crush ice). Giving yourself little pats on the back can help keep you motivated, so think about the best ways to help yourself feel good. Self-care can encompass many areas; it doesn’t have to be anything specific to someone else’s needs. If a long, hot bath makes you feel comfortable and ready to tackle the day, do it! 

    Daily exercise can help you feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally, so make it a point to stay motivated by asking for support from your friends and loved ones. Create a workout plan and stick to it, and remember not to be hard on yourself if you don’t see immediate results. Getting fit takes a little time and patience. 

    ***Sheila Olson is a fitness trainer of five years, she created FitSheila.com to spread the word about her fitness philosophy*** 

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