Raising Awareness About Health Choices

Preserving the Fundamental Human Right to Health Freedom

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Judy Mikovits, among headliners of Health Freedom Ohio symposium on November 4th

September 30, 2020 4:52 PM | Anonymous member

By Nadera Lopez-Garrity

On Wednesday, November 4th, 2020, Health Freedom Ohio (HFO) will be hosting the much anticipated “HPV and Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Symposium: Making an Informed Decision,” scheduled to take place in the heart of Columbus, the day post-election, as hundreds of attendees will travel across the nation to learn the facts about Gardasil and the fast tracked SARS-CoV-2 vaccine from experts who are well versed on the published science and free from conflicts of interest. 

Among the notable speakers and panel of experts who will be presenting at the symposium is the late U.S. Attorney General’s son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,  Chairman of the Board and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit organization whose mission is “to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to expose causes, eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, seek justice for the injured and establish safeguards so this (epidemic) never happens again.”

Mr. Kennedy, who is among the legal team that is suing Merck for its catastrophic Gardasil scam said, “Throughout history, totalitarian elements and ruling elites have used crisis as a convenience to inflame public fears to justify the imposing of censorship and authoritarian controls that allow them to shift wealth upwards without protest. Today, we are watching Technology and Telecom Titans construct a surveillance state on the ruins of our once proud democracy and our obliterated middle class. Empowerment through knowledge is the antidote to fear. Our strategy for stemming the rising tide of despotism is to develop new mechanisms for informing, educating and organizing the resistance. This symposium is the first step in empowering individuals to make informed decisions that protect themselves and their families while we fight to rebuild the fallen institutions of our democracy.”

Empowerment through knowledge to safeguard that which is most sacred is the primary driving force behind this extraordinarily educative symposium. 

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice that can be crippling to even the most ardent supporters of freedom, who are willfully unaware of the massive conduits of deceit that are exploiting the masses in their illusionary bliss. The past few months have left much to be desired from healthcare officials and State leaders who resorted to a drastically erroneous model to impose statewide orders that have adversely impacted countless of lives across the nation, exponentially increasing the rates of domestic violence, starvation and deaths of despair as our economy is pushed to the brink of collapse, and the most potent tool for totalitarian control – the digital currency – threatens our democracy.

Therefore, we can no longer afford to live confined by the shackles of fear. 

We must empower ourselves with knowledge if we are to maintain our fundamental, God given human rights and freedoms as protected by the Constitution of the United States. Facts over fear will set us free from the social constructs that have longed plagued our nation and the rest of the world, which are now more than ever suffocating under a masquerade of the greater good, intended to set the stage  for the so called fast tracked savior that will benefit the only entities that have stood to profit from this debilitating social conditioning agenda – the pharmaceutical industry.

Hence the expansion of the much-anticipated HPV Vaccine Safety Symposium to include the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine jaw-dropping findings as revealed by the published scientific literature.

Participating in these efforts are other notable keynote speakers such as Dr, Judy Mikovits, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Shannon Powers and Destiny Maynard, all of whom have graciously lent their powerful voices, unparalleled knowledge and extensive expertise to empower the masses who will be in attendance the day of the symposium with peer-reviewed supported information concerning Gardasil and the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. An exceptional group of experts, devoid of any conflicts of interest, who have valiantly sacrificed much in their exposure of the truth for the sake of humanity and whose unwavering moral courage speak volumes.

After noting the tragic impact that Gardasil has had in ruining the lives of millions of children and generations to come, Dr. Mikovits, a world-renowned biochemist and molecular biologist with an impressive resume working with the likes of Anthony Fauci and other institutions who were rocked to their core upon her appearance in the documentaries, Plandemic I and II, said that she is committed to raising awareness “because our very humanity depends on it. These innocent victims trusted that research was unbiased and free from political interest.”

Like countless of other parents worldwide, Powers and Maynard are among those who trusted and tragically learned the hard way as the lack of honest disclosure from the pharmaceutical industry and their unsuspecting healthcare providers, proved to be catastrophic for the life of their children. 

Maynard’s son, Christopher Bunch, a spirited fourteen-year-old boy from Moline, Illinois, who had a bright future ahead of him, sadly passed away on August 14, 2018, “from a severe form Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system which his doctors confirmed was caused by the HPV vaccination he had received earlier that summer,” according to ChristopherBunch.com. 

Since her son’s passing, Maynard has committed her life to raising awareness about the risks of Gardasil, including testifying before the Illinois Public Health Committee in May of 2019, which led to the removal of false and misleading information from SJR 43, a resolution that sought to encourage adolescents to receive the HPV vaccine. 

Powers, the Sanevax.org ambassador for all Ohioans injured by the HPV vaccine and an active administrator for the group, “Ohio Gardasil Injured,” was also thrust into the devastating world of vaccine injury after her youngest daughter was severely injured by Gardasil a decade ago.  

“My child’s life is priceless and I will continue to fight and educate every parent who is thinking of giving their child this vaccine,” said powers. “I choose not to let another child become ‘One Less’ healthy individuals.” 

Last year, Powers joined forces with WWDNYK-studios as the Executive Producer for the podcast “Breaking Science with Dr. Jack,” which is hosted by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, CEO and President of The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK), a nonprofit organization that exists to perform scientific research in the public’s interest.

“My first aim in life is to be good to those I love and the people around me,” said Dr. Lyons-Weiler. “My second aim in life is to reduce human pain and suffering through knowledge.  That's why in 2015, I created IPAK in an effort to conduct research in the public’s interest without profit motive and also why, in August 2020, I launched IPAK-EDU LLC, with the motto Liberte per scientiam: Freedom through Knowledge, where we offer college-level courses online for the general public to learn the fundamentals of biology, science, law, analytics, and psychology.  Via IPAK-LLC, people will be able to empower themselves through knowledge and compete in the public square on a firm footing of rock-solid education on the fundamentals.”

Dr. Lyons-Weiler added that since he “jumped into the rabbit hole in 2015 by adding a chapter on Vaccines” to his second book, "Cures vs. Profits,” he has “met the most amazing people the US and world have to offer.”

“I am honored to call you my friends, colleagues, advisors, and students.  Everything that I do is made possible by your generous spirit, your faith in humanity and your love of your fellow man.  No one is alone in these times.  We all have each other, and we have Science, not ‘Science-Like Activities’ backing us,” said Dr. Lyons-Weiler.

Registered Nurse, Michelle Cotterman, Co-founder and President of the symposium’s host organization HFO, which is a community and politically active 501(c)4 consisting of citizens, medical and healthcare professionals dedicated to raising awareness about complementary and alternative pathways to health and wellness, echoed similar sentiments.

“The symposium will be an impactful event for people to support one another and acquire the knowledge they need,” said Cotterman. “During these uncertain times when accessibility to information is being censored by corporate conglomerates, it is imperative to find effective ways to engage in these important discussions so people are able to make an informed decision when it comes to consumable products that are indemnified of liability. The science is absolutely on our side and people deserve to know the facts based on the undisputable evidence.”

Please visit https://tinyurl.com/hfo-event to register for the event and acquire additional information. 

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