Raising Awareness About Health Choices

Preserving the Fundamental Human Right to Health Freedom

Vaccine Rights: Employee Religious Accommodations

  • August 23, 2021
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom Meeting Webinar


  • Access to online event and any materials distributed by the presenter.
  • Registration for additional individuals sharing a computer.

Health Freedom Ohio is dedicated to providing educative platforms that honor transparency so that individuals may be empowered to make informed decisions that impact their health and overall well-being.  We are excited to announce this highly requested informative event that has been created to help those struggling with discrimination in the workplace.  Healthcare workers, teachers, first responders and others in the working class that are having their first amendment rights stripped away and their careers put in jeopardy are encouraged to attend.

If you need assistance with preparing your religious exemption paperwork or simply just want to learn more, please join us for this online event.  Spots are limited, so please register soon.

It’s your health. Your life. Your way.

Be empowered to stand up for your fundamental human rights!

Health Freedom Ohio Presents
Vaccine Rights: Employee Religious Accommodations

Join this important live online seminar with a vaccine rights legal expert who has helped over 600 healthcare workers nationally get exemptions to work-required vaccines over the past decade.

In this seminar we will discuss religious exemptions to vaccines required as a condition of employment. This will involve:

1.   Federal civil rights law (applies to employers with 15 or more employees): How this workplace anti-discrimination law provides, in effect, a religious exemption to vaccines required as a condition of employment.

2.   The common issues that arise in the workplace concerning vaccine, mandates, including employer forms, face mask policies, scrutiny of employees’ religious beliefs, and more.

3.   How the law works with religion and vaccines, and how to write a legally sound statement of religious beliefs opposed to vaccines (most people’s common sense approach is not fully consistent with the legal requirements).

4.   Your legal options for challenging a wrongful denial of a legally proper religious exemption request…

5.    And more!

Your webinar attendance fee goes directly to the presenter.  It gets you into the live event and a copy of the speaker's exemption documents that sell for a much higher fee to individuals who purchase them directly (emailed after the live event).

There will be a live Q&A at the end!

IMPORTANT: You will be emailed a zoom meeting link within a few hours of the event.  Please check your SPAM folder if you do not see it in your inbox.  For problems contact info@healthfreedomohio.org

By purchasing access to the live event, you agree:

1. That each person attending will register and pay separately, even if they are related and in the same household and/or are attending with the same computer.
2. To arrive no later than 5 minutes prior to starting time, to ensure an on-time start of the event.
3. That you will receive exemption educational documents by email promptly after the event from the event facilitator; that these are for your personal use only; that you will not share them with anyone else, will not post them on the internet, or distribute or all to be distributed in any way beyond your personal use.
4. That you will not record any of the event. You may take notes, though most critical exemption information will be in the educational documents you receive after the event.
5. That if you break any of these rules, you will be responsible for all costs and/or damages reasonably deemed to have resulted therefrom, including but not limited to any costs reasonably incurred to address resolution of any such violation of these rules.

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